The doctrine of the transition Homo sapiens to a new kind

Bok av Gennady Kriveckov
Today the usual person (Homo sapiens) is already capable to begin transition to a new kind, which we defined as supramental the person. The new kind will be achievable us not at once, and through transitive a kind of the spiritualized person. Shri Aurobindo in India made this global evolutionary opening in 20th century. It allows to carry out evolutionary transition to a new kind and to make its reality. The book consistently describes process of evolutionary advancement from the usual person to the supramental being, as from a caterpillar - to the butterfly. The author himself practically carries out such transition. It for us on a private experience makes ""road map."" It describes all the initial processes of such a transition. It allows usual to find the person an evolutionary way to a new kind and to follow on it, leaning against this ""road map."" The second part of the book is a dialogue where the author answers many difficult spiritual questions of transition.