The Legacy of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Mateusz Morawiecki and the PiS Party in Poland - A Dictatorial Government facilitating Rule-of-Law Violations, Attacks on the Media and Disregard for Human Rights

Bok av Dr Mark O'Doherty
With Poland's populist far-right government orchestrating rule of law violations in the EU's backyard - including the violation of judicial independence and media freedom - the EU has triggered Article 7 against Poland. To restore democracy and fundamental rights, Poland's political leaders need to improve and reinvent themselves; especially PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski - Poland's undisputed de facto leader - who handpicks ministers and makes strategic decisions from his party office in a ramshackle building in central Warsaw. Otherwise Poland must be kicked out of the European Union; which would give Poland's government the privilege of receiving their marching orders from Moscow again; like in the old days, when Poland was part of the Soviet Union. Critical, but also deeply sensitive and humane, this book explores social scientific, ethical and Christian approaches, so that rule of law can be restored in Poland. Social challenges - such as abuse of power and Islamophobia - are also explored in this work.