The Legacy of the Social Democratic Party (SPOE) and the City Council of Vienna - A Dictatorial Party facilitating Mediocrity, Victimisation and Violation of Human Rights in the Republic of Austria

Bok av Dr Mark O'Doherty
The Austrian SPOE Party has governed Vienna - and Austria on a national level - for a few years since 1946. Having become a proxy party of the right-wing populist OEVP Party - by falling in line with whatever the OEVP dictates - the SPOE Party is unwilling to implement any much-needed reforms in the country. Hence the reason why Austria has fallen back seven places on the Social Progress Index (SPI); inequality and poverty increasing in Austria dramatically - the SPOE Party being a willing and guilty collaborator in perpetrating inequality, injustice and human rights violations in the Republic of Austria. The Austrian SPOE Party is also responsible for the facilitation of neo-Nazi activities in Austria to some extent; by propagating bureaucratic despotism, authoritarianism, lack of empathy and unquestioning loyalty to figures in authority - which were also the evil trademarks of the Nazi Party in Austria during the Third Reich, and the reason why National Socialism and Nazism festered in Austria in the first place.