Drake's Great Armada, and a Svmmarie and Trve Discovrse of Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage (Dodo Press)

Bok av Captain Walter Bigges
The following narrative is in the main the composition of Walter Biggs, who commanded a company of musketeers under Carlile. He died shortly after the fleet sailed from Carthagena; and the narrative was completed by some comrade. The story of this expedition, which had inflicted such damaging blows on the Spaniards in America, was eminently calculated to inspire courage among those who were resisting them in Europe. Cates, one of Carlile's lieutenants, obtained the manuscript and prepared it for the press. The publication was delayed by the Spanish Armada; but a copy found its way to Holland, where it was translated into Latin, and appeared at Leyden, in a slightly abridged form, in 1588. The original English narrative duly appeared in London in the next year. The document called the 'Resolution of the Land-Captains' was inserted by Hakluyt when he reprinted the narrative in 1600. This edition contains two versions of the narrative.