The Art of Soul-Winning (Dodo Press)

Bok av J W Mahood
"Memory Verse: "And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. "-(Dan. xii, 3. ) Scripture for Meditation: Matt. vi, 19-23; Rev. iii, 14- 22. Fred B-- was a medical student. He was stricken, with that dreaded scourge, consumption. The physicians advised a trip to the mountains. During the first few months among the Rockies he improved rapidly, and hope and ambition flamed anew; but it was only a brief respite from suffering before the final collapse. Lying in a Denver hospital, he was visited by some consecrated young people, who sang and prayed with him. He yielded himself to Christ, and the peace of God filled his heart."