The Mysteries of Freemasonry

Bok av George R Crafts
This is the only book that contains a revision of the Rite Perfection (4th-14th degress). Containing all the degrees of the Order conferred in a Master's Lodge, as written by Captain William Morgan, All the degrees conferred in the Royal Arch Chapter and Grand Encampment of Knights Templar-Knights of the Red Cross-of the Christian Mark-and of the Holy Sepulchre. Also, the Eleven Ineffable Degrees conferred in the Lodge of Perfection-and in the still higher degrees of Prince of Jerusalem-Knights of the East and West-Venerable Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges-Knights and Adepts of the Eagle or Sun-Princes of the Royal Secret-Sovereign Inspector General, etc. Revised and corrected to correspond with the most approved forms and ceremonies in the various Lodges of Freemasons throughout the United States.