Wood-Turning (The Woodworker Series)

Bok av William Fairham
TURNING, one of the most effective and satisfying modes of ornament, has been employed from the earliest times in constructive and decorative woodwork, and this volume has been designed to assist the professional craftsman and the amateur in practical lathe work. The uses of tools and the-methods of manipulation for various classes of work are clearly given, and suggestions are offered as guidance for the setting out and grouping of the recognised classical members so as to secure correctly proportioned and graceful designs. The numerous illustrations include many examples of turnings in different styles, and in several cases full-sized working details are given. The volume has been written and (for the most part) illustrated by Mr. William Fairham, and is aimed to assist not only the home worker, but also practical wood turners, cabinet makers, pattern makers, joiners, carpenters, wheelwrights, junior draughtsmen, and teachers and students in Technical or Day Continuation Schools.