Finger Plays for Nursery and Kindergarten (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)

Bok av Emilie Poulsson
Emilie Poulsson (1853-1939) wrote many books of songs and poems for young children like: Finger Plays for Nursery and kindergarten (1893), Songs of a Little Child's Day, Holiday Songs and Every Day Songs and Games, Rhyme Time for Children, and Through the farmyard Gate. She also co-authored many others titles such as, Top of the World Stories for Boys and Girls, and The Joyous Travelers. ""WHAT the child imitates, " says Froebel, "he begins to understand. Let him represent the flying of birds and he enters partially into the life of birds. Let him imitate the rapid motion of fishes in the water and his sympathy with fishes is quickened. Let him reproduce the activities of farmer, miller and baker, and his eyes open to the meaning of their work. In one word let him reflect in his play the varied aspects of life and his thought will begin to grapple with their significance. ""