The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914-1919 (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)

Bok av Captain W C C Weetman
Captain William Charles Cumming Weetman (1885-? ) was the British author of The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914-1919 (1920). "The author has described fully the training carried out at Harpenden and in Essex, and that the time and labour spent in it were not wasted is proved by the manner in which all ranks so quickly took on their responsibilities in the trenches, and with such success. That the Territorial Force was in many ways neglected by the Higher Authorities during those early days is well known, but that the Force amply justified itself is proved by its actions and was fully recognised by those General Officers under whose command it came. The following extract from a speech made by Lieut-General Sir C. Fergusson, Commanding II Corps, to the Brigade at Locre, when it left his command, is worth recording to show the high opinion he held of our work in front of Kemmel. "No Battalion, " he said, "and no Brigade could have held the lines better than you have done or have done better work than you have done.... Your work during the last three months is work of which any Brigade and any Battalion might be proud. " No higher praise could have been given to any troops by an officer of such standing and repute. "