The Path to The Beloved

Bok av Qutbuddin Loren Ruh Smith
The Path to The Beloved is a collection of poems written over many years revealing the spiritual path of a Lover of God. Beginning with The Search, one experiences awe before the beauty and magnificence of Mother Earth and Her elements. Then, in The Enclosed Garden, where True Lovers meet, is where the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine takes place. It is where one hears When The Beloved Speaks and learns within the heart that there is no distinction between Love, Lover and Beloved. Inspiration for much of Qutbuddin Loren Ruh Smith's poetry comes through a lineage of Sufi poets of whom the most well known is Jalaluddin Rumi. At this time, when our planet Gaia's future is in delicate balance, we must open our hearts to the living interrelatedness of all life, so that we may all move Toward the One, The Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty...and toward The Beloved.