This Life : Orison of Life

Bok av G Lamarche Venora
This Life has received the support of friends and relatives. I have shared some poems in readings and during guest appearances. Some of their comments have inspired me to continue expressing my poetry about Life. I have been inspired by great poets like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her husband Robert, who wrote about love; Langston Hughes who tells the truth about the world and life as he knew it; and a very favorite poet, Emily Dickinson. For inspiration about situations beyond my control, I read Imira Baraka. Robert Frost showed me how to see the beauty of nature. To each, I thank you. One of my favorite notes of inspiration arrived after I had participated in an Arts and Entertainment Discovery Day at Illihee Jr. High School in Federal Way, Washington. The chance to read to students and staff gave me a great emotional uplift. The school Director, Sunee Ward, wrote that helping students understand the importance of work and how their performance, effort, and decision directly affect which doors of opportunity will open for them is a gift whose value students may realize in several years. The students expressed how much they appreciated my gift, and thanked me so much. I will continue to see poetry as life. We live poetry in every facet of our existence, it is inspirational to see how important every person we meet offers a learning experience.