Unity and Diversity in World's Living Religions : A Compact Survey

Bok av Muhammad Hedayetullah
Muhammad Hedayetullah has spent much of his life and career studying the religions of the world, and he has come to a very simple but informed conclusion: all world religions are basically the same. Certainly, they are spread across separate geographical areas. Yes, the deities of different religions are called by different names. And yet, there is a unity of purpose among them all. Unity and Diversity in World's Living Religions is one man's educated journey through the religions of the world. By focusing on the living religions of today, he has derived a conclusive level of similarity underlying every culture known to modern man. From the deities worshipped by Hinduism, to Confucianism and even Christianity, all cultures seek a connection with a higher power for strength, guidance, and love. Hedayetullah's conclusions are remarkable in this day and age, especially with religious wars and prejudices based solely on the adverse beliefs of the so-called "enemy." What would the world be like if we were to realize and accept that we are all one people, under one higher power, seeking to worship together? It is not a simple feat, but it starts with a solitary insight: no matter where we are or what we believe, we are one.