Hubcap Biscuits and Corncob Wars

Bok av Troy E. Rushing
SOFT-COVER VERSION: Humorous short episodes of growing up on a small cotton farm in the 1930s, '40s, and 50s. Start'n school, smoking Bull Durham, the Sears and Roebuck catalog, The Great Truck Wreck of 1946, the outhouse, bathing in a #3 washtub, run-away horse, Big Creek baptism,corncob wars, the school bus, lying Sam Morris, birds & bees & the farm, an inquiring mind in the Bible Belt, barefoot clodhopper, Tarzan seeks Jane, geezer socks, Burma-Shave, bike wreck(Am I Alive?),going to a shivaree, country marriage counseling, Bear of a Nightmare, cornflakes & bananas & LSU - and the list goes on about humor from the farm. Going to LSU on a basketball scholarship and eventually becoming a research chemist. Examples of humor & perseverance. Recommended for those individuals who need a chuckle every page or so.