Learn to Love : Becoming the People God Intended

Bok av Dan Gilman
Our lives play out in a world of relative truths. But the most important aspect of life was never meant to be so arbitrary or relative. Real love is based on absolute truth! Of all the strongest forces ever documented throughout history, love is by far the greatest. There is no comparison to the sacrifices made, the heroism shown or the riches lavished in the name of love. Whether we believe in God, gods or nothing at all, we cannot ignore the fact that in life, there is an absolute best way for some things we practice. Of all the things we need to learn in life, love is the most important. Learning to love the right way is humanity's only real hope. It's time we return to the absolute best way! If you had to write it down on paper, how would you explain how you learned to love? Who taught you? Who taught them? And how well do you think we're all doing with our applications of love? Through the sharing of personal life experiences, referencing God's word and the works of others, this book promotes fresh thought on why we love the way we do. Readers of this book will be entertained as they rediscover the purpose and value of love, and a real relationship with the author of it. They will participate in a redirection away from the "commercialized" concept of love, and be given the practical tools they need to begin a journey back to the love that God intends us to practice. With a balance of simple, common sense analysis, well grounded arguments and some rather radical ideas, the readers will walk away with a whole new view of love and its application to their lives as well as to the world we all share.