Titters, Giggles and Tears : The Rantings of a Debrainged Psycauliflowerologist on Proctology, Internet Love, Interspecies Dating and the Meaning O

Bok av Dennis Fenichel
Warning: This Book Will Make You Laugh Dennis Fenichel is a clinical psychologist/psychology professor who has sung and done improv comedy professionally on the side. This collection of humorous essays has been described as Woody Allen meets Lewis Carroll meets Groucho Marx. The author melds his experience as a psychotherapist with his wacky comedic imagination in writing about romance on the Net, interspecies dating, dental hygiene, the origin of the polka, and God's take on the state of the world. You will meet characters in these essays who will leave indelible imprints on your memory, that may require years of therapy to expunge.