Love Among Us

Bok av Jay Thomas (EDT) Oord Darrin L. (EDT) Grinder Jay Thomas (EDT) Oord
From every way the wind blows we hear songs of love, cries for love, sobs of love lost - so much hue and cry that we fail to listen to God's love songs to us, sometimes whispered through the acts of strangers, blown from the boughs of trees, or passed in our loved ones' touches. This collection of poetry, fiction, essay, and homily seeks to remind us of the subtle - though sometimes raucous - ways our Creator's love communicates to this fallen world, saved only through grace and love. In this anthology you will find writing from clergy, laypersons, theologians, pew-sitters, professional writers, and casual authors - everyday people who share the hope and knowledge that Jesus Christ shares His love among us and through every day.