Success : What Is It All About?

Bok av James Tawiah Mensah
All people yearn for success in their lives. People from every culture, every walk of life, all yearn for what they perceive as successful. What defines success differs from culture to culture, and person to person. Unfortunately, most who achieve what they consider success are still left with a feeling of emptiness, unhappiness, not being satisfied, feeling like something is missing, always wanting more. Even if they achieve what they perceive as success, what will happen when they die? Will God's judgment of their success differ from their own? In this book, I will answer the very prevalent questions of "What is success?" and "How can it be achieved?" Instead of coming up with my own personal creative thoughts and advice, I do what we should all do- look to the Truth, the Word of God, the Bible. God gave us the Bible to teach us how to live. It applies to every aspect of our lives. In this book, I delved into the Truth and provided the answers to the questions we all yearn for regarding true success and fulfillment. I firmly believe that I was led by God to deliver this message of hope and truth and direction. In the pages of this book, I will take you on my journey of seeking and pursuing success. I challenge the readers to re-evaluate their perception of success. Instead of associating success with power, position, possession and privilege, I encourage the readers to view it through the prisms of service, sacrifice, suffering and submission. I use these four attributes of success as the lenses to examine and clarify what the world defines success to be and how God expects us to be successful. I clearly and thoughtfully lead you through the components of true success by sharing how they apply to the lives of Jesus, others in the Bible and those in our community. This book is a handbook for understanding success. It is thought-provoking and inspirational. I highly recommend it, as well as careful consideration of its message to you. May God richly bless you on your path to success.