The Rod of Iron : The Gates of Eden Trilogy

Bok av Richard Douglas Bouslough
IMMORTAL PARENTAGE When I was a man, I spoke like a man, I thought like a man, I reasoned like a man; When He gave me immortal parentage, I gave up the childish ways of men. Old things passed away. All things became new. Yet remain these three, faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is Love, For God is Love. Here Jesus reigns with the rod of iron. Only the collective remnant knew the whole truth, that his love overlaid justice with mercy, responsibility with grace, that he wielded the scepter of righteousness along with a shepherd's staff. And he has given us everlasting Life. It's an imposed peace of delicate balance. Most of mankind who remain mortal believe this authority is only temporary. Yet, even those who fight in their spirits acknowledge his right to Lordship and the global throne. The time is not yet fulfilled for final accounts to be settled. In the meanwhile, the truths of immortality with him far surpass everything I knew before. So ends Gates of Eden, the first of Richard Bouslough's challenging yet hope building trilogy. Now with the Rod of Iron, Bouslough surprises his readers with truths from the highly anticipated Millennium, the 1000 year reign of the King of kings and Lord of lords from the throne room in Jerusalem. Covering masterfully the return of Messiah and the revealing of the Ark of the Covenant, Bouslough goes on to propose scientific and technical advancements made possible only through international cooperation and mentoring by gifted Immortals in service to the King. Every few years an exciting book or series of books comes along that expands our vision of our world and its future. These books do just that and then some. You will think differently about heaven and hell, the new heaven and new earth, perhaps even meet the Messiah himself, and be awestruck by the bright future of technological progress having read this latest offering, The Rod of Iron, from Richard Douglas Bouslough.