A Rose in the Desert : The Work of God...at Work

Bok av Bill Petite
Jesus Saves - even on the job In October of 1981, the National Training Center at Ft. Irwin, Ca. was opened as a training facility for US Army units. The work force was civilian, government contract employees. This work force was involved in, among other evil and detestable practices, drug use, alcohol use and sex while on the job. It was a playground for Satan and his followers. This is the last place anyone would expect to hear anything about God. But, God soon began a work that would touch the hearts and lives of the extremely Godless people in this place. God turned the Track and Wheel Shops at Ft. Irwin into a mission field. Starting with one man (not the author), God began a revival in the work place that saw many get saved and go on to various ministries and the mission field. This movement eventually grew into a weekly organized Bible Study that is still thriving and seeing lives changed. This book tells the true story of how Jesus came into this place of work and saved people from their despicable, evil lifestyles of sin. Although this story is told from the experience of one person, it could be told multiple times by a number of people with different experiences and testimonies. The accounts of the work which God did there over the years would fill volumes and would contain endless testimonies of how the Lord worked in the lives of all those involved or those whose lives were touched by this work. When I arrived at Ft. Irwin in July, 1982, I was a drunk who neglected my family and only cared for my own evil desires. By the end of 1984 I was saved and living free from alcohol and was not only walking with Jesus but on my way to active ministry work at the job site and in the Church. There are no exaggerations in this book, only the truth of what Jesus did in the lives of me and those around me and beyond. It is a testimony to what the Lord can do if we are open to His work in our lives. Do you take Jesus to work with you? All too often, Christians leave Jesus at home when they go to work. An undercover Christian is unable to reach anyone for Jesus. We need to be ambassadors for Jesus and take the gospel message to the work site and watch as the Lord saves souls. That is what happened at Ft. Irwin, in the Track and Wheel Shops. We were all truly amazed at the work He was able to do simply because we were obedient to His calling. This work of God, which exists among the evil lifestyles of this workforce, truly stands out like a rose in the desert. Take Jesus to work, you will be amazed at His good work habits.