Get Over IT and Get on with IT : Using The Ten Principles of Entelechy to Conquer Change and Create Abundance

Bok av Jim Madrid
Life in the fast lane was yesterday. Today, we face the challenge of learning to live and work in digital time. Not only is the amount of change we must cope with growing exponentially, the rate of change is speeding up. This unprecedented transformation offers unprecedented opportunities, but few people and even fewer organizations are equipped to take advantage of it. We don't know how to operate, let alone thrive, at warp speed, and the resulting stress is enormous. Our personal lives are in turmoil. There never seems to be enough time, money, or energy. Most marriages still end in divorce, kids act out in dangerous ways, and parents feel increasingly frustrated and exhausted. Stress-related illnesses are epidemic: Many of us, including children, live with attention disorders, antidepressants are common as aspirin, and we are plagued by a gnawing sense of purposelessness. At work, we are expected to do more with less and prove ourselves on a daily basis. Managers struggle to cope with new technologies, shifting markets, cutthroat competition, shrinking budgets, and employees who are neither loyal nor engaged. Get Over It and Get On With It offers insight into the status quo and a proven-effective approach to change-positive, self-directed change. Designed to be as useful to a Fortune 500 CEO as to a novice realtor, as relevant to a team of professional athletes as to a single mom, its principles are both timeless and leading edge, and its methods can be used by anyone, anywhere. In everyday language, using examples from everyday life, Jim Madrid explains how to create more connection and energy, success and strength, abundance and happiness in your personal life, family, company or community. Get Over It and Get On With It now makes this important and valuable information available to everyone.