Spiritual Light : What it is and How to Get More of it

Bok av Anita Childs
The process of holding more spiritual light is the process of rediscovering what you truly are. This book is given for your delight and assistance. It is largely channelled with the loving guidance of Ascended Master, John of the First Ray. We hope that many readers will find new perspectives and a little clarification, new information to fathom and that some will find the seeds of further channelling and research. 'You are all on the cusp of discovering your inner beauty, your inner selves - each one on their own terms. This will be advancement in energy and in resonance. By reading this book you will absorb and take on new resonance and your light will indeed shine more brightly. Encoded in the words is much light and wisdom which, were you to understand less on a worldly and intellectual level you shall nevertheless understand within your energetic self, your soul, your larger being. This is true advancement and whilst difficult for some to fathom is what it is and the experience shall affect you at the level your being truly requires. Have faith: trust. It is so. You are children of the light and this book is another tool to assist you on your journey. It has keys and vibrations hidden inside to touch your soul. You will be peace and the world will change also.' John of the First Ray