The Messenger of Hope : Chronicles of a Holy Journey

Bok av Carlos M Avalos
The Pilgrim Pope, as he was once named, displayed again his charisma, forgetfulness and love during this last trip to Canada, Central America and Mexico, to bring his message of hope and peace to young people and all his followers who greeted him with joy, love and hope in 2002. This book is dedicated to the memory of His Holiness John Paul II for the love he showed to all of his people in Central America and the rest of the world and for his Message of Peace to all humanity throughout his Papacy, particularly in the new century. Let's remember his message of peace in January 2002 during the World Day of Peace in Assisi: "At this time of great distress, the human family needs to be reminded of our unfailing reasons for hope. It is precisely this hope that we intend to proclaim in Assisi, asking Almighty God-in the beautiful phrase attributed to Saint Francis himself-to make each of us a channel of his peace. No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness: this is what in this Message I wish to say to believers and non-believers alike, to all men and women of good will who are concerned for the good of the human family and for its future." John Paul II, Vatican Library, January 2002. Thank you John Paul II for being a Messenger of Hope.