Kono Gold or Koine Gold : Onomastics: The Human Naming Tradition

Bok av Kumba Femusu Solleh
Kono Gold or Koine Gold raises controversial issues: regarding the Kono natural resources, the people, their traditions, and lineage, these the world tends to identify with Sierra Leone and downplays the intellectual resources in the country. Kono Gold reveals the culture of the Kono people: belief systems, intellect, philosophies, religion and spirituality. Kono Gold or Koine Gold is primarily about the Naming System of the Kono People of Sierra Leone, West Africa, however, within its chapters, controversial or sensitive issues are raised. The problems of Africa... This book is not focused on the Kono diamonds, gold or other natural resources. On the other hand, the gold that this book is concentrated on is the golden traditions of the Naming System of the Kono People, their valuable heritage from their ancient ancestors. Kono Gold reveals that the wealth of a country pertains not only to the wealth of the land, but to the culture of the people, their belief systems, their intellect, their philosophies, religion and their spirituality. Kono Gold reveals that of all African naming systems, the Kono tribes of Sierra Leone, West Africa have one of the most unique systems of naming their children. This book also reveals that the Greek word, Koine, became a potent catalyst in the religious propaganda in ancient Greece. Koine became the ordinary language of the liturgy and ritual of most cults and brotherhoods that promoted equality of humankind. Koine is an African word, a Kono word, meaning gold. With advent of this book, the word Koine has jettisoned its Greek meaning and recovered its original linguistic source: African etymological meaning; thus, recovering its common ancient usage among the African community, for example, Koin-du, one time flea market of Sierra Leone is one of the examples of the ancient use of the word Koine.