Infinite Jests : Science Fiction Humor by Philip K. Dick, Alfred Bester, Frederik Pohl, and More.

Bok av Robert Silverberg
Included: "Venus and the Seven Sexes," by William Tenn; "Babel II," by Damon Knight; "Useful Phrases for the Tourist," by Joanna Russ; "Conversational Mode," by Grahame Leman; "Heresies of the Huge God," by Brian W. Aldiss; "(Now]n), (Now-n)," by Robert Silverberg; "Slow Tuesday Night," by R. A. Lafferty; "Help! I Am Dr. Morris Goldpepper," by Avram Davidson; "Oh, To Be a Blobel!," by Philip K. Dick; "Hobson's Choice," by Alfred Bester; "I Plinglot, Who You?," by Frederik Pohl