The Palatial Chronicles : Dawn of a New Star

Bok av Mar-Ri
As Phase II of the Great Plan to protect the Peoples of the Sun Star begins, messages from the new and threatening Nocttocottia star become more disconcerting. Not only are the messages more hateful and telltale of the potential end to the Palatial Society, but they are being sent to selected Peoples of the Sun Star in hopes of undermining and hopefully thwarting the continuance of Phase II. JaMee of Ciro-Major, declared Donor and daughter of Queen Mi-Ja and King VeedRa, is sent to Earth to formulize plans for Phase II with the eventual development of the Great Spheres destined to be constructed thousands of light years apart and between the Sun Star and this threatening Nocttocottia Star. Many attempts will be made by these peoples of this new star to thwart JaMee's mission and, as the mission unfolds, some do come within a breath of succeeding. With much hurt and sadness befalling JaMee and members of his Palatial and Earth families, his fortitude and commitment to his mission drives his energies. But to what end? Thus this journal is presented with all the events encountered during JaMee of Ciro-Major's mission.