Mastering French Vocabulary with Audio MP3

Bok av Wolfgang Fischer
1 röst
This brand-new title in Barron's foreign language vocabulary building series replaces a previous French vocabulary-building volume that had the same focus and general purpose. However, this new larger book presents approximately 13,000 entries--more than twice the number of words with definitions as the title it replaces. It also includes an enclosed audio MP3, which coaches language students in correct pronunciation of French and presents approximately 10 hours of audio, which covers virtually the entire book. All vocabulary in this book is categorized under different themes. Each theme groups together many different words relating to similar topics, which helps students of French and travelers to France conveniently find words that are related by subject. Among each book's 24 separate subject themes are: business terms, medical terms, household terms, scientific words and phrases, units of measurement, clothing, food and dining, transportation, art and culture, and others.
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