Let Love Reign

Bok av Demond James
Introduction Every living creature has the desire or the need to be loved at some point in its life. Usually at the beginning stages of life the infant tends to cling to the female either looking for food or sup or nurture and guidance. Only a parent could provide this kind of loving care to an adolescent whether it be in the animal kingdom or in the human species. Even a little baby can tell the difference between a mother or a father's embrace than someone else that just holds them. The bible teaches us that God our spiritual and heavenly Father is love and that love is God. This book is intended to show the basics of what we need to allow God to flow in our lives on a daily basis. Since He is the creator, He knows exactly how we should operate. Like an automobile and like a good auto mechanic, He knows how to manufacture us, how to service us, how to clean and wash us, how to replace old parts and how to rebuild us, He knows how to fill us, and He knows how to drive us. We must first accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior to lead our lives. Then after we accept Him as Lord and Savior, we can begin to live a life that is pleasing in His sight. That life has to consist of prayer, humility, the ability to forgive, praise and worship, a giving heart, etc. This book will show us how to open up and allow God and the Holy Spirit to operate in our lives, thus giving Him total control and teaching us how to let Love Reign.