Barnyard Talk : Let's Talk About Jesus

Bok av Amanda Steadman Power
"Now to answer your question Johnny Rabbit, prayer is how you talk to God and Jesus. It is your telephone to heaven. You just get on your knees, bow your head, and close your eyes, and talk your little heart out." Mr. Eagle said. In this unique childrens book it will teach children about the salvation of Christ, how to pray and some of Gods word from the bible. It is a terrific book to be used in Sunday school and Master clubs at your local church or just read it at home. You will find that it will teach your children great things about the bible at their level through the animals who live on the farm or nearby. The animals are trying to figure out who Christ is but no one seems to know until Mr. Eagle comes on the scene and of course he knows all things, so he begins telling the story about Christ and his salvation. Hope you all enjoy the book and God bless.