The Blinders Are Off

Bok av Ernestine Joell
I have chosen THE BLINDERS ARE OFF because of the revelations I've received in my heart of hearts. Life views have become significantly different than old ideas and rationalizations. There remains great beauty in this world in spite of the immense ugliness we face daily. Aluminous light surrounds us in the midst of the darkness we abide. Miraculous gifts are imparted on a daily basis to the just and unjust. The breath of life keeps us going although God we betray every day. Love is an action we need to display. Take the blinders off and view the true meaning of life. THE BLINDERS ARE OFF explains what it's like to come from a filthy life of sin into the family of God. Incredible revelations of life oppose to a mere existence before. I can see clearly now, no clouds in the sky. I can see beauty where there was ugliness. I can see hope where destitute stood. I can see love in place of hate and disgust. I feel the presence of God in all things large and small. I see purpose in life. I see the future bright as day. I see life much different, now that THE BLINDERS ARE OFF, the veil has been lifted, the cataract has been removed, the window to my soul gleam with the light of God. Jesus is the light of the world. Take The Blinders Off!