From Microbe to Consciousness

Bok av Lou Jones
There is a gamut to be run with this collection of poems, a challenge with a few sharp turns and switchbacks. From the playful treatment of the Big Bang and other scientific theories, to the often poignant readouts of the human condition. From two Chihuahuas running free, to the aged writer Trapped in the dusty garret of his mind. There are intrusions into the mind of the poet as well as that of the long distance runner. There is the brutality of the Jackals on the Corner and the tenderness of A 93rd Christmas Eve. From the rhetorical flourishes of The Orator, to the madness of The Last Evil Man, From Microbe to Consciousness evokes a variety of thoughts and emotions. It might even rekindle some old curiosities, even move us to ask some questions, some whys and what ifs. Maybe confront some of our "certainties."