Breaking Money Silence(R): How to Shatter Money Taboos, Talk More Openly about Finances, and Live a Richer Life

Bok av Kathleen Burns Kingsbury
Almost half of Americans say that the most difficult topic to discuss with loved ones is their personal finances, so much so that they would rather talk about death, politics, or religion. But what price do you pay for staying quiet? In her fifth book, Kathleen Burns Kingsbury, a wealth psychology expert with over twenty-five years of experience empowering women, couples, parents, families, and wealth advisors, provides you with the answer. This book equips you with the practical tools needed to navigate difficult conversations and future-proof your finances. Discover how to identify your thoughts and beliefs about wealth, and how doing so can help you talk more openly and honestly about money with loved ones. Acquire skills for engaging in effective dialogues with aging parents about healthcare costs, estate planning, and end-of-life issues. Learn tips for fighting fair financially with your partner, and for raising a financially literate next generation. Using Money Talk Challenges and real-life stories, Kingsbury coaches you (and your trusted advisor) to take action. You'll walk away with a roadmap for putting what you learn into practice. Breaking Money Silence is a catalyst for a money revolution leading to a more gender-savvy, financially secure, and financially literate world.