Pranayama : Path to Self Discovery - One Breath at a Time

Bok av Ravinder Jerath
We live in a time when medical discoveries and scientific breakthroughs give us the opportunity to delve deeper into the connection than we ever thought possible. 2D and 3D computer graphics have allowed scientists to merge cutting edge information with a vision that could not be adequately expressed with words alone. These abilities bring clarity to the existing stockpile of Eastern wisdom regarding the relationship between our mind and body. Though the picture is far from complete, the increasing synergy between these two bodies of thought is allowing us a thorough understanding of the basics. The primary topic of this book tries to understand that the mind/body connection isn't stationary. The human mind is likely to run up and down the Spectrum-a colorful basis on which Dr. Jerath has placed human emotions into categories- on a daily basis-from angry to happy to depressed to calm-and these changes are reflected in our faces, our perception of our inner and outer reality and our physiology. One change does not happen independently of the others because every shift in the Spectrum means something specific and if we're going to get the most out of ourselves, we need to recognize the variable yet predictable nature of the mind/body connection. Our faces predict our moods like the weather man predicts the forecast. Recognize that, and the power of meditation and pranayama becomes easy to understand, both as a way of holding off downward shifts and as a way to shift upward to greater calm and increased consciousness.