Meticulous Nicholas...Goes to Camp

Bok av G.M. RENNA
"Meticulous Nicholas...Goes to Camp" is a story about a 9 year old boy(Nicholas) who goes to sleep away camp for the very first time. He remains meticulous in his preparation for this camp journey, from color coding his shirts in his luggage, to neatly keeping his camp bungalow clean, that is, until he meets his sloppy soon to be roomate, Butch. Together, the boys participate in various camp activities in which the bold difference in their personalites continue to shock Meticulous Nicholas, from the way Butch eats at the Camp's "Grub Shack," to the way he plays his games in camp. However different they may be, together they form a friendship and learn how to fuse as one to become teamates, roomates, and most of all, friends. Meticulous Nicholas is a good positive role model for children of all ages, and parent's will love him as well! .