Omnirealm, The Whole Truth of Creation

Bok av Aso Thuy Lexuan
OmniRealm, the Whole Truth of Creation is virtually the autobiography of the most successful incarnated yogi, Thuy Lexuan, ASO, an Omni Celestial selected to be born on Earth for the realization of a prophecy, the Coming of Christ, as a starting point toward much higher objectives. I came down, an out-of-reach Omni Celestial, Bound, not only to reshape an old universe, But also to fuse my True Self with the World Soul By reaching the farthest cosmic dome of inverse. Through Divine Incarnation and the application of the highest transcendental yoga, the incarnated Omni Yogi succeeded in uniting his Self Individual with the Universal Sacred Body. The spiritual process allowed the Incarnator to move out of his physical body, carrying his form, like twins, starting from September 1977, in the Land of the Eagle. Jehovah called Him "God Omnipotent;" For Moses, "He must be The Messiah;" Confucius, Laotze, "He's God Omniscient;" As for Mohammed, He's his church's "Allah." Jesus and RamaKrishna called Him "Christ." Later, they all referred only to the successful incarnated Omni Yogi as "Christ ". OmniRealm, the Whole Truth of Creation can be said to be a real source of super-revelation encompassing important events before and after the Coming of Christ, and also a treasure of bona-fide data relevant to Physical and Spiritual Evolutions, Incarnation, Reincarnation, Occult Science, Iching, Prophecy, Astrology, Performance of Miracles, Mediumistic Applications, Astral Travels..., and much, much more, from the most abysmal nescience of blind-faith preaching of lowliest ideologies to the highest level of spiritual achievements, and over all to the Truth of Creation and Evolution of the Whole Universe.