Seeking New Possibilities? Be a Search Consultant!

Bok av Terre Phd Davis
Experiencing the process of interviewing for a school superintendentposition was challenging, to say the least. In my experience, I was appalledby the lack of professionalism and organization shown on the part of theschool districts. I made notes of how I thought the interview process shouldbe conducted and put my notes away, thinking that someday I might want todo something regarding the professional interview process. Upon retirement from serving as a public school superintendent for nearlytwelve years, I referred to the notes I had made during the interview processand determined that there was a need in this professional arena. I did researchand then started my own company for the purpose of doing superintendentsearches with boards of education. I have completed over one hundredindividual searches and feel that I have developed and perfected a processthat is second to none. I have decided that I need to share the information andexperiences I have gained so that others may benefi t through my process. I feel that in the very near future, many boards of education are not going tohave the funds to hire a consultant to assist them in a superintendent search;therefore, I would like to make available a search process which has been verysuccessful for the past twenty-plus years. The decision in hiring a new superintendent is the most important decisiona board will ever make; therefore, the process to get to the right decision isextremely important. Many boards think it is just a simple matter and try to doit on their own without specifi c guidelines. What a mistake!This book is a step-by-step method with all materials suited to the specifi cneeds of the district, whether a small, rural, large, urban, charter, or privateschool. Here, the author also discusses the materials as valuable and appropriatein searching for a college dean or working with a private company. This book would be extremely valuable to, and is intended for, boards ofeducation, any corporation, or any other organization in the public or privatesector seeking a process for hiring the next superintendent, university dean, orcorporate CEO, and as a textbook or reference material for university graduatestudies. While searching for publications of a similar nature, I have found this bookto be unique and have no rival. - Xlibris Podcast Part 1: Xlibris Podcast Part 2: Xlibris Podcast Part 3: Xlibris Podcast Part 4: Xlibris Podcast Part 5: