The Kaleidoscopic Lover : The Civil War in the Horn of Africa & My Itinerary for a Peaceful Lover

Bok av Dr. Badal Kariye BA BSIT MA MBA & PhD
The Civil War in the Horn of Africa & My Itinerary for a Peaceful Lover The Kaleidoscopic Lover is a fictional novel, which is translating endangered love in civil war country where it's impossible to see or meet your lover due to well-founded of persecution on account of race or firing weapons, which you can't understand why and who they're firing to. It's very terrible to act a good lover in civil war country, you must be a kaleidoscopic lover because you can easily be a love survivor if you're living in disobedient environment of anarchic civil war, and tribalism dominates the living conditions and areas where you don't have close family members or other methods of self-defense. It forced me to travel from one country acting as the King of the Kaleidoscopic Lovers in the world, and if you read this fictional romantic novel of the Kaleidoscopic Lover then you'll know more about risky lovers for true romance in civil war or war-torn countries, which has never been discovered by renowned novelists around the world. It's freaky and very funny experiences in love!