THE Redemption

Bok av Ingvild Howard
This is a poetry book about the greatest act of love in history, God redeeming man. "The Redemption" is the title of this book and also of the oil painting on the front cover. Love is the essence of our redemption. Jesus' death on the cross, and His resurrection, is the heart of God's undying love for us human beings. When that truth moves from the mind to the heart all else fades in comparison. What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you? Stop for a minute and consider. Do you know what, that kindness was but a tiny drop of God's ocean of infinite love for you. We need God's love, we were created to bask in His love, yet so many go without. They seek to quench their thirst through many other channels, not knowing that God has the living water which will cause us to never thirst again. Once you taste it you need not search for any other fountain, because only He has eternal life. He is not only the source of love, He is love. Our lives ought to revolve around Him as the earth orbits the sun. We may think we have life, but without Him we live on borrowed time. The poems in this book are like "little windows". I hope that through each one you will glimpse a different view of love. Our eyes are the portals and a route to our spirit. May these poems bless you and be a feast to nourish your heart.