Princess Pink : Volume III: Princess Pink Helps Zion, Melinda, and Jasmine Learn to Communicate About Their Parents' Divorces

Bok av Shawna A. McGriff
Zion, Jasmine, and Melinda are very good friends that share something in common ,and that is their parents are divorced . Zion's parents have been divorced for several years, but her dad is now remarried and expecting a baby. Jasmine parents are also divorce but they always have Jasmine speaking for both of them. Meanwhile , Melinda 's parents are arguing so much that they have gotten a separation .The girls write in their journals to Princess Pink about their sadness, but evil Drucilla the ruler of unhappy girls tries to use her mad science skills and invent a device that will make girls permantly unhappy. Princess Pink comes to Eastdale Middle to help Zion, Jasmine and Melinda with their problems. However, the school has just built an new parent student involvement center ,and a contest for the student or students that come up with the best parent student project proposal will get a room in the new facilty and a trip to Family Adventure, but the girls think it is hopeless due to their broken homes.