Sammy's Two Left Feet : Groovin' with Mr. Smooth: Discovering How to Believe in Yourself

Bok av Hayley L Howell
It was almost time to go to their summer dance class, but Sammy did not want to go. He pretended to his mother, Lucy, that he did not feel good. And told his father, Reggie, that he was too embarrassed to go, and that he felt he had two left feet. Sammy is encouraged by his Father Reggie to go anyway. After all, Mr. Smooth, his dance teacher, was known as the best, movin', groovin', dancin' cat in town. And all the girl kittens swooned and giggled whenever he walked past. Sammy's first class was a disaster. However, by the end of summer, Sammy discovered something new about himself, leaving the town of Clawsville with a pleasant surprise. Come find out how someone made a huge difference in a kitten's life. Sammy's Two Left Feet - Groovin' With Mr. Smooth is the second book in the Sammy's CatVentures series. Go to for more information.