Against the Current : Coming out in the 40'S

Bok av Beverly Hickok
Against the Current, set in the 1940s, is thestory of how a young woman, Jan, comes toacknowledge and accept her lesbianism andfind a place for herself in the world. Jan firstbegins to explore gay life while a student at theUniversity of California at Berkeley. Jan hadexpected to earn a teaching credential aftergraduation, but once the war broke out decidedto leave school to become a riveter for the wareffort, then to join the Navy. After the war shereturns to the university on the G.I. Bill,entering library school. She steadfastly holds onto her dream of one day finding a woman withwhom to settle down and share her life. There are very few books available whichrealistically describe lesbian life in the early40s, long before Stonewall. Descriptive andpassionate, Against the Current vividly evokesthe sights, sounds and flavors of the era. Thisbook is not to be missed!