Man Who Laughs L'Homme Qui Rit

Bok av Victor Hugo
Bilingual, English and French. According to Wikipedia: "e;Hugo wrote The Man Who Laughs, or the Laughing Man, over a period of fifteen months while he was living in the Channel Islands, having been exiled from his native France because of the controversial political content of his previous novels. Hugo's working title for this book was On the King's Command, but a friend suggested The Man Who Laughs."e;Bilingue, anglais et franais. Selon Wikipedia: "e;Hugo a crit The Man Who Laughs, ou l'homme qui rit, pendant une priode de quinze mois alors qu'il vivait dans les les Anglo-Normandes, exil de sa France natale en raison du contenu politique controvers de ses romans prcdents. Le titre de travail de Hugo pour ce livre tait Sur le commandement du roi, mais un ami a suggr l'homme qui rit. "e;