Thoughts, Oughts, Naughts : Poems from the Heart of a Very Special Dog

Bok av Riv Wood
When you buy this book, a percentage will go to the Indianapolis Humane Society. "In an imaginative twist on the account of someone's feelings about his beloved dog, this talented Bichon Frise describes in verse her feelings about her beloved person." Elizabeth Sherrill, author, roving editor "Guideposts" When a granddaughter was 14 she asked Patricia, "Grandma, do you believe that Riv writes those poems? Now tell me the truth, do you really believe she does?" After you read the book you can decide. Both Riv and Patricia are published authors. A story about Rive, including a picture and one of her poems appeared in the August 10-23 issue of the "Broad Ripple Gazette." Patricia has had poetry, meditations, and non-fiction stories published in "alive now!, Pockets Magazine, The Upper Room," and "Guideposts."