Poems for Love Letters : And Other Collected Poems

Bok av Damaris Bray Sayce
Poems for Love Letters and Other Collected Poems is a collection of three separate books of poetry: Poems for Love Letters, Images and Visions, and Prayer and Praise. These three books express the authors feelings about everyday events experienced by men and women as they go through life dealing with love and separation, joy and sorrow, and sometimes encountering divinity. Poems for Love Letters is a collection of sonnets and other short poems that express love and tenderness, the pain of separation from a loved one, and both the joy and uncertainty experienced by the person in love. None of the poems are more than fourteen lines, short enough to be copied and slipped into a letter, a briefcase, or even placed as a surprise at the breakfast table. The second book, Images and Visions, has a wider range of subject matter, covering nature, children, family life, interaction with the creator, and reflections on Gods relationship with His creation. In this book, the author uses many forms of poetry, both traditional and experimental. Prayer and Praise is a collection of prayers for morning and evening and all the various times and occasions in between when the human spirit is drawn to call out to God with words of thanksgiving, petition, or praise. Some of these prayers are joyful, some sad, some seek answers, while others are a cry for help. All of these poems address a God who is full of love and concern for His people. It is the authors hope that in these three books readers will find poems that delight them, poems that express some of their own deep feelings, and perhaps some that make them smile.