
Bok av Solomon J Wolfert
I dedicate this book to my dearest: children Gina and Nancy, grandchildren David, Melanie and Alexander, son-in-law Steven Kirshenbaum and relatives and survivors. I dedicate this book also into the memory of my beloved: wife Dorrit m.n. Dranger, mother Reva m.n. Teicher, father Eizig Wolf, sisters Rona Gottesman and Helen Hofstein, brothers Naftali, Joseph, Isydor and Abraham and all martyrs. I lived in Turka, attended schools there and law in the University Jana Kazimierza in Lwow. Since 1941 I went into hiding to the forest, from German and local Nazis and ended up in a Soviet labor camp in Ural from 1942 to 1945. As a Polish citizen I was transported back to Poland. On the way I was lucky to find my brother soldier Abraham. All others were murdered. In horror we made our way to the US zone in Hof, Germany(DP Camp). In 1949, we came here. I worked 40 years for Equitable. During postwar years I wrote 585 short poems.