Why Is the Soft Side the Hardest Part? : Reflections of an Executive Philosopher

The people side of enterprise is euphemistically (if not derisively) referred to as its "softer side". Many managers are quite comfortable with the financial and managerial-control side of the equation, but the soft-side or people skills aspect of leadership can feel more intimidating. Skills such as communication, listening, diplomacy, and creativity - are often an afterthought and the last ones to be mastered - merely a side dish for the real meat of business, which is mastery of technical skills and business acumen. But many managers will confide that it's the soft side that is so challenging for them. And too often, the people side is often relegated to the bottom of the pile in deference to the bottom line. This is a critical mistake because soft-side skills are actually more critical to leading people, and after all, it is people who make all businesses successful. This book will help managers get the soft side right, and elevates its importance to the top of the heap of management priorities. It answers the question, "Why is the soft side of business the hardest part?" and illustrates how deploying the right people-centric philosophy -rooted in courage, service, love, and authenticity - can unleash the power of people in every human organization.