Electronic Electoral System : Simple, Abuse Free, Voter Friendly

Bok av Dr. Reza Rezazadeh
For more information about the author and his publications visit www.democracywhere.comThe simplicity, validity and security of the electronic electoral process presented here rest on introduction of a unique Electronic Identification card (EID) issued by the Social Security Administrations (SSA) local offices to each eligible voter based on the information available in its central database. On the elections day, the voter inserts the card in any computer with connection to Internet, at any place in the world, the voters eligibility is checked by the computer, through a software, against the information in the SSA database, and then allowed to enter a National Electoral Website to vote in national, state and local elections, guided step by step by the computer. It totally eliminates the problematic voter registration process and absentee ballet problems. It eliminates over-voting and under-voting, and voting more than once for any office. It saves to the taxpayers at least 80 percent of the present electoral costs.