Child of the King : I Believe I'll Testify

Bok av Audrey Harvey
The test of strength is not in one bending, but in one not breaking. As a Christian, my aim is to help believers as well as unbelievers come to know Christ in a personal way. I want you to know who you are in Christ and the rights you have as a child of God. In Child of The King (I Believe Ill Testify), you will see Gods goodness and mercy when we are obedient to His will. You will also see that being a child of God has nothing to do with how good or perfect you may think you are. As you read about the different incidents in my life, dont focus on me, but rather on the one who loves us more than we could ever imagine. You will see that every uncomfortable situation I found myself in was only by Gods grace that I came through them all. I hope that you will understand that sometimes our greatest accomplishments are gained through struggles. Please know that life is vain if you think its about you. In the Bible, John 3:30 sums it up when he said, He must increase, but I must decrease. ~ Audrey Harvey