The Family Interactive Rating Scale a Therapy Tool for Working with Families : A Practice-Oriented Manual for Mental Health Providers

Bok av Nate M Larsen Ph D
The following chapters express my thoughts and experiences while developing and utilizing the Family Interactive Rating Scale (FIRS). Although the central concept is the rating scale, it ultimately encompasses a therapy style that promotes better input from children, fosters increased dialogue within families, and provides a structure with more defined parameters for therapists when working with families, all in an attempt to help them facilitate better change. This is not intended to replace your therapy style with families, but instead suggests a possible supplement to your therapy. As a tool, it can be used as often or as seldom as you, the mental health provider, sees fit. Since developing and using the FIRS I have discovered therapy with children to run smoother and family sessions with children and their parents more productive. I hope you find it as helpful as I have and that it makes your work with families even more enjoyable.