Go Away Bully!

Bok av Genice James-Carde
The problem of bullying has become a terrible social issue that transcends race, age, culture, religion etc. If you believe or understand the phrase "violence breeds violence" then you will understand the purpose of this story and have an answer for the person who is tired of being picked on, who feel that the solution is to "join the crowd" (retaliate). Starting their own war or joining another one will only make the problem worse. It is believed that we all have bully tendencies, some greater than others. Many times the hardest thing in life is to feel like you can't do anything about it. God tells us to trust him because vengeance (retaliation) is you're your retaliation will not compare to what God will do to the person when someone is harassing his children. His actions will be permanent and you won't have to be in jail for it. According to MBNBD (Make Beats Not Beat Downs) Facts and Statistics, in 2009 reported that, "90% of 4th through 8th graders say they are victims of bullying. And revenge is the strongest motivation for school shootings." The purpose of this story is to help children to understand the best way to decrease bullying, is not to become one. Children should be told to keep reporting this problem to appropriate authorities until something is done. Silence empowers the bully. In the story the characters do not believe they are bullies. They make excuses for their behaviors and think it's okay. At the end of the story they recognize they are the bullies and decide they want to change their ways. The words rhyme to ease the hurt on a painful subject.