Ilsa'S Revenge

Bok av Carolyn Scanze Giglio
Ilsa just wanted a good life. Her being abandoned on the doorsteps of the St. Friedrix Hann Orphanage, in Germany at the frightful age of two, left her with a longing to be loved. The nuns did all they could to find her a good home. Rupert, also abandoned on the orphanage doorsteps, was a gregarious four year old who became Ilsas only friend. They became inseparable in their teenage years. Turning eighteen allowed Rupert Ulrich the right to leave the orphanage to seek his fortune. Rupert promised Ilsa he would come back to get her. She yearned to see him. He was her confidant, friend and lover. Two years passed and he never did. Ilsa felt abandoned again. Ilsa becoming of age, left the only home she knew, to go to the closest big city to get a job. This would be a new beginning for her. Ilsa acquired a job in the City Hall of Munich. Ilsa met a young man in the lobby of the building where she worked. Thats how she met and married Reinhardt Werner, the first man who promised to love her, take care of her and most of all, never leave her. Her marriage to Reinhardt, a struggling farmer, convinced Ilsa she had to advance her education in order to get a good job to help pay off their mortgage. Her decision to go to the Stewardess Training School paid off. This lucrative job was to be temporary, to pay off the mortgage on the farm. However, the many temptations Ilsa encounters across the span of Europe, pulls her into some harrowing situations. Her life has gone amuck when two henchmen are sent to kill her. In desperation she seeks the help of the one person she knows, who is somewhere in Berlin, Rupert Ulrich. Over the years Ilsa had heard Rupert had become a con-man. In her current predicament, she felt he would be the one to trust and confide in for assistance. Searching for Rupert puts her in more danger. Now she has four thugs chasing her. Two want her alive, two want her dead. By chance she no longer becomes the hunted. She now is the assassin on a mission. She is nearing the day of her revenge. It is funny how old adages turn up in real life. Ilsa finds her adage to be true, Its A Small World After All.